Saturday, September 18, 2010

Veterinarian Dr. Bain's Visit

We invited Dr. Bain from Taylor Animal Hospital to visit our classroom to share his veterinarian duties and allow the children to ask him questions concerning his job.  The children enjoyed his visit as well as seeing D-dog one of his family pets.  Dr. Bain shared many details from his job and brought several items from his office for the children to feel and see.  He showed the children several parasites that he had removed from some of his patients which of course the children found very interesting.  The most important thing that he shared with the children was his devotion which centered around the treasure we have in salvation and the key if found in God's Word.  Dr. Bain gave each child a red stone to remind them of Christ's blood that was shed for our sin.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Learning About Farming

I believe the more the children use their senses (feeling, seeing, tasting, hearing) in learning the more they will retain.  We not only want to impart information we want them to actually experience it first hand.  This is also why we try to have special visitors in the classroom to share their knowledge, materials and experiences with the children.  This weeks community helper was the farmer.  The children enjoyed taking a virtual tour of a dairy farm yesterday and today Mrs. Jessica brought several items from her farm to share with the students.  She talked about what an important tool the wheelbarrow and pitchfork is to a farmer.  She talked about the different animals that she has on her farm (horses, calves, hens/chickens, etc.) and how she cares for them. They learned several interesting things.  The younger a hen is the smaller the eggs and that not all eggs are white.  Horses wear shoes to protect their feet but their shoes look a little different.  Sometimes Mrs. Jessica feeds calves with a bottle but the bottle was a little bigger then the bottle that their mother fed them and their siblings.



Children feeling the chicken feed.

Jacob & Natalie looking at the horse feed.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Police Officer Visit

Today the children enjoyed having Officer Travis Mull visit the class.  He discussed several issues with the children: importance of calling 911 only in a true emergency, using a seat belt, and he told the children a little about what he did as a police officer.  Of course, the children's favorite thing was going outside to see his squad car.  I am not for sure that they enjoyed the loud siren but had fun looking inside the squad car.  Officer Travis does visits the class every year.  He always does a great job and we appreciate him taking the time out of his busy schedule to talk with us. 
                                       THANK YOU, OFFICER TRAVIS